January 3, 2009
1. Internship summary
2. Objectives of the internship
3. Activity report
3.1. JADI
3.1.1. Organization description
3.1.2. Activities and jobs
3.2. Le Responsable
3.2.1. Organization description
3.2.2. Activities and jobs
3.3.1. Organization description
3.3.2. Activities and jobs
4. Journal
5. Outcomes and overall remarks
Country of internship Togo
Duration July 25, 2008 to January 3, 2009 (163 days)
§ JADI (July 25 to October 14, 2008)
§ Le Responsable (August 17 to September 6 and September 22 to October 14, 2008)
è Of the total of 82 days at JADI, the intern was transferred to Le Responsable for 44 days on decision of the executive director of JADI.
§ CILSIDA (October 15, 2008 to January 3, 2009, 81 days)
è This transference is due to the cancellation of the contract with JADI. (For details see 5. Outcomes and Overall Remarks.)
1. To obtain management skills of NGOs such as organization management, project management and team management
2. To contribute the experiences and skills of the intern to management and/or activities of the organization
3. To gain information and knowledge on development issues in Togo
4. To experience the culture of Togo
5. To learn the languages of Togo (official French and traditional Ewe)
3.1.JADI (Jeunesse en Action pour le Développement Integré)
3.1.1. Organization description
Location Lomé (District of Adidogomé) and Dougba
Foundation 1997
§ To reinforce the role of young people through involving them as principal actors in the process of economic and socio-cultural development
§ To give a qualification to young people
§ To carry out a cultural exchange and cooperation among young people
§ To ensure young people’s self-promotion
§ To ensure the health of young people: to fight against sexual labor, STI/HIV/AIDS, malaria and others
§ Executive Director: Stéphane
§ Lomé members
- Marius
- Ireine
- Benois
- Lao (Togolese intern)
§ Dougba members
- Approximately 10 peer educators (villagers)
3.1.2. Activities and jobs
Name | Training of peer educators on HIV/AIDS and communication techniques |
Date | Wednesday, July 30, 2008 |
Venue | Dougba |
Description & Remarks | The executive director of JADI gave lectures to young villagers of Dougba to train them as peer educators on HIV/AIDS. The content was comprehensive and very interesting but a little cramming for a half-day session. Considering the length of our stay in Dougba, it could have been done in several days instead of only in one day. |
Involvement | § Presence |
Name | Awareness talk in Kponvié |
Date | Thursday, July 31, 2008 |
Venue | Dougba |
Description & Remarks | The following day of the training was set to put into practice what the young peer educators had learned in the training. In the village of Kponvié near Dougba, peer educators gave speeches on HIV/AIDS to around 40 villagers young and old alike, and gave out leaflets and condoms. The regrettable thing is that we could not visit more than one village on the contrary to the initial plan to visit several villages nearby. The executive director alone went to ask permission of the chiefs of the villages but if the job had been shared by some other members it might have been more efficient and successful. |
Involvement | § Presence |
Name | Cultural festival “Tradition sans SIDA” (Tradition without AIDS) |
Date | Saturday, August 2, 2008 |
Venue | Dougba |
Description & Remarks | Events in which organizers take advantage of attractiveness of Togo’s rich culture to reach out to the grass-roots population take place fairly often in Togo, and this event “Tradition sans SIDA” was not an exception. With the financial aid from the other intern at JADI from the Netherlands, this cultural festival invited around 10 villages near Dougba, 4 of which actually participated in the event. The festival was composed of traditional “Bobobo” music and dance performances by the participating villages, awareness talks on HIV/AIDS by the executive director of JADI during the intervals, and the awarding ceremony in the end. The fund from the Dutch intern was used for T-shirts, motivation for invited villages, transports, winner prizes, etc. The festival was by and large successful, but the lack of transparency in every aspects of organization of the event was seriously problematic. |
Involvement | § Presence § Cleaning |
Name | Awareness talk in Hlonvié |
Date | Tuesday, August 12, 2008 |
Venue | Dougba |
Description & Remarks | The peer educators and interns took their initiative to organize another opportunity for awareness talks. A day before the talk or two, we visited villages near Dougba to ask for permission of the village chiefs with 500F CFA each for necessary procedures. On the day of the talk the peer educators and interns had formed two teams and my team with three peer educators visited the village of Hlonvié. The peer educators talked in turn of symptoms, consequences, and the ways of transmission and prevention of HIV/AIDS in front of approximately 70 villagers. After answering the questions by villagers we distributed condoms. One of the greatest significance of this activity is that the peer educators organized everything on their own will, unlike how they normally participated in activities, which were organized by the executive director alone. It proved that the peer educators have the enough capacity to organize things on their own and gave them experience and confidence. |
Involvement | § Funding of 2000F CFA used for the permission fees to the chiefs and buying condoms § Visit to the chiefs § Presence at the talk |
Name | AIDS tests |
Date | Tuesday & Wednesday, September 9 & 10, 2008 |
Venue | Toutou and Adéta (villages near Dougba) |
Description & Remarks | The executive director invited the organization PSI (Population Service International) to have free AIDS tests for the people in villages near Dougba. In Toutou two HIV positives were found out of 73 people who took the test, and in Adéta two out of 84. Roughly calculating from the results of the tests, there would be one HIV positive in every 40 people. Although the infection rate is little by little decreasing in Togo according to the Togolese intern at JADI, this number is still not very small. As a way of prevention AIDS tests are always available at hospitals but taking it is not easy for the majority of people because of the relatively high cost, therefore providing the opportunities for free was beneficial. This was also an opportunity for me to realize that the propagation of HIV/AIDS runs deep in everyday life in Togo. |
Involvement | § Assistance at registration desk |
3.2.Le Responsable
3.2.1. Organization description
Location Sanguéra
§ To promote the rights of children
§ To fight against AIDS
§ President: Selestin
§ Secretary-General: Abdel
§ Treasurer: Raymond
3.2.2. Activities and jobs
Name | Awareness talk |
Date | Tuesday, August 19, 2008 |
Description & Remarks | One afternoon the members of Le Responsable invited pupils to an awareness talk on HIV/AIDS. There were 23 participants, and a member talked about ways of infection and prevention. If they had first talked about the symptoms of AIDS and explained why it was so scary thus why it is important and necessary to prevent it, it would have been more effective. |
Involvement | § Presence |
Name | Creation of website |
Description & Remarks | Le Responsable organized an international work camp in the previous year and despite the willingness to make it an annual event, they were encountering some difficulties mainly because they no longer had a partner in Europe to help them gather participants. We have come to an idea that they could do the public relations and application process online. With this website created, they are more independent and have greater opportunity to reach out not only to potential participants of the camp but also to potential partners and donors. The URL: |
Involvement | § Creation § Editing instruction § Advising on contents |
Name | Meeting on international work camp |
Date | Wednesday, September 3, 2008 |
Description & Remarks | I facilitated a meeting on the international work camp that they were trying to realize next year, whose agenda was how to draw attention of potential participants. Using techniques of brainstorming and prioritizing, they came to a conclusion to make a poster with a catchphrase “Why go to Africa?” and to send it out via email to their acquaintances and some organizations in French-speaking Europe. |
Involvement | § Facilitation |
Name | Organization of a conference |
Description & Remarks | To take advantage of my experiences in Japan, the president of Le Responsable proposed organizing a conference on youth and development. I made and handed in two documents, “International Context of Youth Participation in Development” and “Conference Proposal” in French. After having had several meetings with the co-organizer “Groupe Oxygène Togo – Voix du Peuple” to discuss the detailed contents of the conference and having found the financial means i.e. the aid from “Francophonie”, and before the logistic details of the conference e.g. date and venue were fixed, I had to leave Le Responsable due to the cancellation of the contract with JADI. After this the members of Le Responsable went out of contact and regrettably this conference was apparently abandoned. |
Involvement | § Writing the proposal and background information § Participation in the preparation meetings |
3.3.CILSIDA (Club Initié pour la Lutte contre le SIDA)
3.3.1. Organization description
Location Lomé (District of Adamavo)
Foundation June, 2003 by 10 founding members
§ To contribute to social, economic and cultural well-being of young people with a view to human, cultural and participative development
§ To fight against STIs and HIV/AIDS
§ To fight against child trade and traffic
§ To promote rights and duties of children
§ To create centers of leisure, information, AIDS test and monitoring and taking care of children
§ To encourage and support young people’s private initiatives
§ To develop and cultivate friendship, mind of tolerance and solidarity, teamwork and initiative work
Means of action
§ To inform, raise awareness of and train the grass-roots population
§ To organize seminars, symposiums, conferences and debates
§ To collaborate with authorities, the media, local governments, NGOs, national and international associations and institutions
§ To create informational publication
§ To participate in radio and television programs
§ To organize competitions
Members Approximately 30 in total
§ Board of Directors (Conseil d’Administration; CA)
- President: Mr. Saka
- Vice-President: Prosper
- Secretary-General: Nadia
- Deputy Secretary: Dimitry
- Treasurer-General: Emil
- Deputy Treasurer: Yolande
§ Executive Board (Bureau Exécutif; BE)
- Executive Director: Antoine
- Program Director: Eric
- Accounting Secretary: Ornella
3.3.2. Activities and jobs
* Activity related to the “club of extra-scholastic young and adolescent girls of Adamavo”
+ See individual activity report for details
Name | Capacity reinforcement workshop for members of the club of extra-scholastic young and adolescent girls of Adamavo on sexual and reproductive health and interpersonal communication *+ |
Name in Fr. | Atelier de renforcement des capacités des membres du club des jeunes filles et adolescentes extrascolaires d’Adamavo sur la santé sexuelle et reproductive et sur la communication interpersonnelle |
Date | October 13-17, 2008 |
Venue | Terrasse Millenium d’Adamavo |
Involvement | Participation § Day 4 and 5 Documentation § Proofreading of the report § Translation of the report into English |
Name | Survey in the community of Adamavo for the cartography of young wives and mothers *+ |
Name in Fr. | Sondage dans la communauté d’Adamavo pour la cartographie des adolescentes mariées |
Date | October 21 to 29, 2008 |
Venue | 9 districts in the community of Adamavo |
Involvement | Preparation § Survey data collection sheet (Fiche de collecte des données) Implementation § The district of Adamavo with Ornella and Prisca Documentation § Results of survey § Episodes of the survey (Les histoires du sondage) § Activity report § Translation of the activity report and survey analysis into English |
Name | Home visits of young wives and mothers * |
Name in Fr. | Visite à domicile des adolescentes marries |
Date | December, 2008 |
Venue | 9 districts in the community of Adamavo |
Involvement | Preparation § Report format of individual home visit (Fiche de VAD) Implementation § The district of Kagomé § The district of Adamavo |
Name | Monthly meetings of the club of extra-scholastic young and adolescent girls of Adamavo *+ |
Name in Fr. | Rencontrés mensuelles du club des jeunes filles et adolescentes extrascolaire d’Adamavo |
Date | October 6, November 3 and December 1, 2008 (First Monday of the month) |
Venue | CMS (Centre Médico-Social) Adamavo |
Involvement | Participation § Meetings of November and December Documentation § Report of November meeting § Translation of reports of October and November meetings into English |
Name | World Day Prevention Child Abuse + |
Name in Fr. | Journée mondiale prévention des abus envers les enfants |
Date | November 19, 2008 |
Venue | C.E.G. Sainte Angèle, Adamavo |
Involvement | Preparation § Writing the plot of sketches § Sketch practices § Invitation for parents Participation § Photographing Documentation § Activity report § Translation of report into English |
Name | World AIDS Day + |
Name in Fr. | Journée mondiale du SIDA |
Date | December 1, 2008 |
Venue | 6 secondary schools (Eureka groupe A et B, Eureka groupe C, Le Pont, Portique, Sainte Angèle and Saint Pierre et Paul) in Adamavo |
Involvement | Participation § Giving speech on HIV/AIDS at Sainte Angèle Documentation § Activity report § Translation of activity report |
Name | Distribution of stationery contributed by Mr. Hirama |
Date | December 19 and 22, 2008 |
Venue | Office of CILSIDA and C.E.G. Sainte Angèle |
Involvement | Preparation § Negotiations with Mr. Hirama Participation § Short speech at Sainte Angèle |
Name | Meeting of Executive Board and Board of Directors |
Name in Fr. | Réunion du Bureau Exécutif et le Conseil d’Administration |
Date | October 19, November 2 and 23, 2008 |
Venue | Office of CILSIDA |
Agenda | October 19 § Reflection on the training § Preparation for the survey November 2 § Reflection on the survey and following activities § Dismissal of Nella § Introduction of Rena § Briefing of CNJ meeting § Nov. 19 November 23 § Progress of ongoing activities (Fondation de France and routine activities) § Professionalism |
Involvement | § Participation |
Name | General assembly |
Name in Fr. | Assemblée Générale |
Date | November 30, 2008 |
Venue | Office of CILSIDA |
Agenda | § Annual camp § World AIDS Day |
Involvement | § Participation |
Name | Annual camp |
Name in Fr. | Sortie annuelle |
Date | December 26-28, 2008 |
Venue | Gbodjomé |
Agenda | § Reflection on the activities implemented in the year 2008 § Elaboration of the action plan and the budget for the year 2009 |
Involvement | § Participation |
Name | Translation of documents |
Involvement | § Translation of 8 documents into English § Introduction of PULP |
Name | Preparation for the reception of the incoming intern |
Involvement | § Writing the invitation letter for her visa |
| Date | Day | Location | Activities / jobs |
1 | 25/07/08 | Fri | Adidogomé | Arrival in Togo |
2 | 26/07/08 | Sat | Adidogomé | Introduction of JADI |
3 | 27/07/08 | Sun | Adidogomé | |
4 | 28/07/08 | Mon | Adidogomé | |
5 | 29/07/08 | Tue | Dougba | |
6 | 30/07/08 | Wed | Dougba | Training for peer educators on HIV/AIDS and techniques of communication |
7 | 31/07/08 | Thu | Dougba | Awareness talk on HIV/AIDS in Kponvie |
8 | 01/08/08 | Fri | Dougba | |
9 | 02/08/08 | Sat | Dougba | “Tradition Sans SIDA”: Bobobo Festival |
10 | 03/08/08 | Sun | Dougba | |
11 | 04/08/08 | Mon | Adidogomé | |
12 | 05/08/08 | Tue | Dougba | (Personal Trip) |
13 | 06/08/08 | Wed | Atakpamé | (Personal Trip) |
14 | 07/08/08 | Thu | Atakpamé | (Personal Trip) |
15 | 08/08/08 | Fri | Kpalimé | |
16 | 09/08/08 | Sat | Agou | Traditional festival of voodoo |
17 | 10/08/08 | Sun | Agou | Awareness talk at Red Cross |
18 | 11/08/08 | Mon | Dougba | |
19 | 12/08/08 | Tue | Dougba | Awareness talk on HIV/AIDS in Hlonvie by peer educators |
20 | 13/08/08 | Wed | Dougba | |
21 | 14/08/08 | Thu | Adidogomé | Training on brainstorming by Jeannette (the other intern at JADI from the Netherlands) and on “concepts de base en matière de planification / gestion des programmes” by Stéphane (executive director of JADI) |
22 | 15/08/08 | Fri | Adidogomé | |
23 | 16/08/08 | Sat | Adidogomé | |
24 | 17/08/08 | Sun | Sanguéra | Transference to Le Responsible |
25 | 18/08/08 | Mon | Sanguéra | |
26 | 19/08/08 | Tue | Sanguéra | Summer school, Awareness talk on HIV/AIDS, Creation of website |
27 | 20/08/08 | Wed | Sanguéra | Summer school, Editing of website |
28 | 21/08/08 | Thu | Sanguéra | Training on project analysis by Selestin (president of Le Responsable) |
29 | 22/08/08 | Fri | Sanguéra | |
30 | 23/08/08 | Sat | Sanguéra | |
31 | 24/08/08 | Sun | Sanguéra | Miss Sanguéra |
32 | 25/08/08 | Mon | Sanguéra | |
33 | 26/08/08 | Tue | Sanguéra | |
34 | 27/08/08 | Wed | Sanguéra | |
35 | 28/08/08 | Thu | Sanguéra | |
36 | 29/08/08 | Fri | Sanguéra | Visit to the area damaged by the heavy rain in Agoé |
37 | 30/08/08 | Sat | Sanguéra | |
38 | 31/08/08 | Sun | Sanguéra | Meeting on the conference with Groupe Oxygène |
39 | 01/09/08 | Mon | Sanguéra | |
40 | 02/09/08 | Tue | Sanguéra | |
41 | 03/09/08 | Wed | Sanguéra | Meeting on the “camp chantier” (international work camp) |
42 | 04/09/08 | Thu | Kpalimé | (Personal trip with AIESEC Japan) |
43 | 05/09/08 | Fri | Kpalimé | (Personal trip with AIESEC Japan) |
44 | 06/09/08 | Sat | Sanguéra | |
45 | 07/09/08 | Sun | Dougba | Back to JADI |
46 | 08/09/08 | Mon | Dougba | |
47 | 09/09/08 | Tue | Dougba | Free HIV/AIDS test in Toutou |
48 | 10/09/08 | Wed | Dougba | Free HIV/AIDS test in Adéta |
49 | 11/09/08 | Thu | Dougba | |
50 | 12/09/08 | Fri | Dougba | |
51 | 13/09/08 | Sat | Dougba | |
52 | 14/09/08 | Sun | Dougba | |
53 | 15/09/08 | Mon | Dougba | |
54 | 16/09/08 | Tue | Dougba | |
55 | 17/09/08 | Wed | Dougba | |
56 | 18/09/08 | Thu | Dougba | |
57 | 19/09/08 | Fri | Atakpamé | (Personal trip) |
58 | 20/09/08 | Sat | Atakpamé | (Personal trip) |
59 | 21/09/08 | Sun | Atakpamé | (Personal trip) |
60 | 22/09/08 | Mon | Sanguéra | Re-transference to Le Responsible |
61 | 23/09/08 | Tue | Sanguéra | |
62 | 24/09/08 | Wed | Sanguéra | |
63 | 25/09/08 | Thu | Sanguéra | Meeting on the conference with Groupe Oxygène |
64 | 26/09/08 | Fri | Sanguéra | |
65 | 27/09/08 | Sat | Sanguéra | |
66 | 28/09/08 | Sun | Sanguéra | |
67 | 29/09/08 | Mon | Sanguéra | |
68 | 30/09/08 | Tue | Sanguéra | |
69 | 01/10/08 | Wed | Sanguéra | |
70 | 02/10/08 | Thu | Sanguéra | Meeting on the conference with Groupe Oxygène, Conference at CCF |
71 | 03/10/08 | Fri | Sanguéra | |
72 | 04/10/08 | Sat | Sanguéra | (Malaria) |
73 | 05/10/08 | Sun | Sanguéra | (Malaria) |
74 | 06/10/08 | Mon | Sanguéra | (Malaria) |
75 | 07/10/08 | Tue | Sanguéra | (Malaria) |
76 | 08/10/08 | Wed | Sanguéra | (Malaria) |
77 | 09/10/08 | Thu | Sanguéra | Meeting on the conference |
78 | 10/10/08 | Fri | Sanguéra | |
79 | 11/10/08 | Sat | Sanguéra | |
80 | 12/10/08 | Sun | Sanguéra | |
81 | 13/10/08 | Mon | Sanguéra | |
82 | 14/10/08 | Tue | Sanguéra | |
83 | 15/10/08 | Wed | Adamavo | Transference to CILSIDA |
84 | 16/10/08 | Thu | Adamavo | Training of extra-scholastic young and adolescent girls (JFAE) of Adamavo |
85 | 17/10/08 | Fri | Adamavo | Training of extra-scholastic young and adolescent girls (JFAE) of Adamavo |
86 | 18/10/08 | Sat | Adamavo | |
87 | 19/10/08 | Sun | Adamavo | Meeting of Executive Board (BE) and Board of Directors (CA): reflection on the training, preparation for the survey |
88 | 20/10/08 | Mon | Adamavo | Transfer of pictures, survey sheet, meeting on the survey with JFAE at CMS (15:00-17:00), making badges for the survey |
89 | 21/10/08 | Tue | Adamavo | Survey in the district of Adamavo, post office |
90 | 22/10/08 | Wed | Adamavo | Survey in the district of Adamavo |
91 | 23/10/08 | Thu | Adamavo | Survey in the district of Adamavo, input of the survey data |
92 | 24/10/08 | Fri | Adamavo | Raffinerie (Kossivi), input of the survey data, transfer of data from Antoine’s USB to the computer, meeting on the sketches for Nov. 19 with young girls |
93 | 25/10/08 | Sat | Adamavo | |
94 | 26/10/08 | Sun | Adamavo | |
95 | 27/10/08 | Mon | Adamavo | Survey in the district of Adamavo, balance sheet 2007, report for JADI |
96 | 28/10/08 | Tue | Adamavo | Report and letter for JADI, lines of the sketches |
97 | 29/10/08 | Wed | Adamavo | Balance sheet 2007, winner list of the spelling competition, input of the survey data, lines of the sketches, invitation to the awarding ceremony Nov. 19, sketch practice |
98 | 30/10/08 | Thu | Adamavo | Meeting on the census and impregnation of mosquito nets at CMS, attestation of married girls project, visit to JADI, middle school homework |
99 | 31/10/08 | Fri | Adamavo | Middle school homework, survey results (number of: pregnant + living with parents / husband, needs), blog, sketch practice, difficulties of the survey |
100 | 01/11/08 | Sat | Adamavo | Census on mosquito nets |
101 | 02/11/08 | Sun | Adamavo | Meeting BE/CA: reflection on the survey and following activities, dismissal of Nella, introduction of Rena, CNJ meeting, Nov. 19 |
102 | 03/11/08 | Mon | Adamavo | Contract with CILSIDA, blog, invitations to Nov. 19, monthly meeting (RM) JFAE |
103 | 04/11/08 | Tue | Adamavo | First day for Mabella, report of RM, start of this journal |
104 | 05/11/08 | Wed | Adamavo | AIESEC evaluation, report of the survey, sketch practice, invitation of parents to the sketches (Ref.N° 62/08/CILSIDA/TG) |
105 | 06/11/08 | Thu | Adamavo | Report of the training, cyber (sending AIESEC evaluation), visit of Selestin |
106 | 07/11/08 | Fri | Adamavo | Last day for Nella, Ste Pieere homework, report of the survey, episodes of the survey, activity reports 06/07 for CNLS-IST, sketch practice |
107 | 08/11/08 | Sat | Ada/Accra | Meeting of HIV positives in Baguida, departure to Accra |
108 | 09/11/08 | Sun | Accra | (Personal trip to Ghana) |
109 | 10/11/08 | Mon | Accra | (Personal trip to Ghana) |
110 | 11/11/08 | Tue | Accra | (Personal trip to Ghana) |
111 | 12/11/08 | Wed | Accra | (Personal trip to Ghana) |
112 | 13/11/08 | Thu | Accra | (Personal trip to Ghana) |
113 | 14/11/08 | Fri | Accra | (Personal trip to Ghana) |
114 | 15/11/08 | Sat | Accra | (Personal trip to Ghana) |
115 | 16/11/08 | Sun | Accra | (Personal trip to Ghana) |
116 | 17/11/08 | Mon | Accra | (Personal trip to Ghana) |
117 | 18/11/08 | Tue | Accra/Ada | (Personal trip to Ghana) |
118 | 19/11/08 | Wed | Adamavo | Visa extension, World Day Prevention Child Abuse |
119 | 20/11/08 | Thu | Adamavo | Pic transfer, report of Nov. 19, English homework, visa pickup |
120 | 21/11/08 | Fri | Adamavo | Reading “Se Dévouer aux Autres N° 1 : Paroles Positives”, report format of home visit, report Nov. 19 |
121 | 22/11/08 | Sat | Adamavo | |
122 | 23/11/08 | Sun | Adamavo | Home visits in the district of Kagomé, meeting BE/CA: progress of ongoing activities (Fondation de France, routine activities), professionalism, others |
123 | 24/11/08 | Mon | Adamavo | Airport, translation of reports RM into English |
124 | 25/11/08 | Tue | Adamavo | Translation of reports Nov.19, survey and training into Eng. |
125 | 26/11/08 | Wed | Adamavo | Impregnation of mosquito nets, translation of report of the training |
126 | 27/11/08 | Thu | Adamavo | Impregnation of mosquito nets (all day) |
127 | 28/11/08 | Fri | Adamavo | Impregnation of mosquito nets, translation report of the training |
128 | 29/11/08 | Sat | Adamavo | |
129 | 30/11/08 | Sun | Adamavo | General Assembly: annual trip, World AIDS Day |
130 | 01/12/08 | Mon | Adamavo | World AIDS Day: speech at schools, event at CMS; RM; cyber |
131 | 02/12/08 | Tue | Adamavo | Report WAD/RM/internship, translation report of the training (finished) |
132 | 03/12/08 | Wed | Adamavo | Translation statute |
133 | 04/12/08 | Thu | Adamavo | Translation statute, proofreading study of the survey, report of internship |
134 | 05/12/08 | Fri | Adamavo | Round Table of Young Girls of Togo against HIV/AIDS, visit to Hirama san |
135 | 06/12/08 | Sat | Adamavo | |
136 | 07/12/08 | Sun | Adamavo | Nadia’s b-day party |
137 | 08/12/08 | Mon | Adamavo | (Tabaski – no work) |
138 | 09/12/08 | Tue | Adamavo | Report of internship, invitation letter for Emma (new intern), translation study of the survey |
139 | 10/12/08 | Wed | Adamavo | Translation of the study of the survey (continued), report of internship |
140 | 11/12/08 | Thu | Adamavo | Visit to the elementary school of supported girl, translation survey study |
141 | 12/12/08 | Fri | Adamavo | Translation survey study (finished), English homework, invitation letter for Emma |
142 | 13/12/08 | Sat | Adamavo | |
143 | 14/12/08 | Sun | Adamavo | |
144 | 15/12/08 | Mon | Adamavo | Translation activity report World AIDS Day, internship report, CD burning (Nov.19) |
145 | 16/12/08 | Tue | Adamavo | Home visits to 3 young wives/mothers in the district of Adamavo |
146 | 17/12/08 | Wed | Adamavo | Organization info, table of activities of CILSIDA (for Lien), internship report |
147 | 18/12/08 | Thu | Adamavo | Visit to elementary school, visit of Hirama san, delivery and sorting of stationery |
148 | 19/12/08 | Fri | Adamavo | (Personal trip to Sokodé with Hirama san) |
149 | 20/12/08 | Sat | Adamavo | (Personal trip to Sokodé with Hirama san) |
150 | 21/12/08 | Sun | Adamavo | Visit to drumming & dancing practice |
151 | 22/12/08 | Mon | Adamavo | Distribution of stationery at Ste Angèle with Hirama san |
152 | 23/12/08 | Tue | Adamavo | Post office, photo transfer, “evaluation de stage” |
153 | 24/12/08 | Wed | Adamavo | “Evaluation de stage”, internship report |
154 | 25/12/08 | Thu | Adamavo | (Christmas – no work) |
155 | 26/12/08 | Fri | Gbodjomé | Annual camp: Reflection on the activities 2008 |
156 | 27/12/08 | Sat | Gbodjomé | Annual camp: Elaboration of the action plan and budget 2009 |
157 | 28/12/08 | Sun | Gbodjomé | Annual camp: Briefing of training on project management by Prosper |
158 | 29/12/08 | Mon | Adamavo | Visit to Hirama san, holiday fair with AIESEC, signature on the contract and reception of the certificate of internship |
159 | 30/12/08 | Tue | Adamavo | Photo transfer, internship report |
160 | 31/12/08 | Wed | Adamavo | Internship report, visit of Laban, gift exchange |
161 | 01/01/09 | Thu | Adamavo | (New Year’s Day – no work) |
162 | 02/01/09 | Fri | Adamavo | Internship report, home visit |
163 | 03/01/09 | Sat | Adamavo | Visit to a honorary member |
164 | 04/01/09 | Sun | Ada/Accra | Departure from Lomé |
As described in the above, my internship is divided into two periods by the cancellation of the contract with the first organization JADI, i.e. the first half in JADI and Le Responsable and the latter half in CILSIDA.
For the first half, I appreciate the opportunities to experience different ways of life in different places of the country. It was exceptionally interesting to compare the life in the urban area (Lomé and Sanguéra) and that in the rural area (Dougba) and through this experience I have learned the diversity of Togo. For example I have found three major characteristics of the rural life. People in the rural area seemed to have more interdependent relations with each other in the village. Everybody knew everybody, and things of necessity were often shared with or borrowed from friends, relatives or neighbors. Also, the life seemed to be dominated less by the monetary economy. While in the urban area almost everything was obtained by paying money, in the rural area the self-sufficient economy was more or less existent. I have also noticed the lack of entertainment in the rural area. People had nothing to do in their free time (and probably because of the high unemployment rate and maybe also because it was during the summer vacation when I stayed there, they had plenty of free time no matter which age group they belonged to), but to sit outside or sleep, without any productive activities. For this reason having the office of JADI, where they could have opportunities to do some activities seemed a very good idea, and it was very regrettable that this advantage was not appreciated very much by the villagers.
On the other hand of this fruitful cultural experience, however, I could not make the most of the fact that I am on the internship in an NGO mainly in two aspects as follows; one, compared to the time I had spent the number of activities or jobs that I was able to get involved in was extremely small. I was forced to spend most of the time not even knowing if there was anything planned at all or not. Two, regarding the most of the activities in which I got to participate, what I was expected to do was only to “see” how things were organized and run and I could not contribute my knowledge and experiences to those activities or to the organization at all. I think there are two major reasons for this. One is that I was often sent away from JADI and hardly had any time to discuss with the executive director. The other is the disorganization of things. Planning of the conference with Le Responsable was a rare opportunity to fully commit myself in organization of an activity, and it is all the more regrettable that after my transference to CILSIDA its organization was given up by the members of Le Responsable.
The situation was very much improved after the transference to CILSIDA. With somewhat bitter memories of the fist half of my stay in Togo, I was very surprised and impressed to see CILSIDA’s activeness and well organization and to find that this organization had many qualities which were very difficult to see in other organizations that I knew here in Togo, such as frequent, active and frank communication among the members, sharing of work and responsibilities, punctuality, respect to the annual action plan in implementing projects and activities, and making of activity reports right after the activities are finished. Its comprehensive target setting and close relationship with the community are other things I found valuable of CILSIDA, as it serves as a kind of social safety net in this community, where there is no other organization playing such a significant role for the grass-roots population.
From what I know and what I have learned through my experiences of organization management in Japan and elsewhere, I suggest some improvements and new trials that can make CILSIDA an even better actor in this domain. The first thing of all is the capacity building of every member especially on independent and logical thinking. Without this skill, members are forced to follow the instruction of their leaders but this is not always the best way to take action on something. If every member is able to think on their own what to do and how to do it, the activities will be more efficient. Also, with the skill of logical thinking, action plans and activity organization could be more strategic thus more effective. Another suggestion is to make the most of its close relationship to the community, namely to analyze more deeply the situation of each target group so that the projects and activities would be based on the facts (and not on mere assumption). From this aspect the survey on young wives and mothers was very significant, and I expect that this kind of survey be expanded to other social groups such as OEV (orphans and vulnerable children), PVVIH (HIV positives), disabled persons, and so on.
As regards to my own learning, there are several things to remark. My jobs given at CILSIDA were satisfactory in general in that they were something that makes the most of my presence, although they were not necessarily in the way that I had expected in the beginning e.g. running a project on my own through which I would be able to share my skills and experiences with other members. In other words, I did something that would have been difficult or impossible for other people in the organization to do and that justified my raison d’être at CILSIDA. Translation of documents from French into English is one thing. Introduction of some connections with other people or organization is another. I am happy with the latter also because this value is sustainable, that is to say, these connections will help CILSIDA even after I leave
Throughout my stay in Togo, I have noticed one thing that lies in every aspect of the issue of development and relations with foreign people or organizations, which is the presence of “orientalism”. The self-recognition of Togolese people in general seemed to me excessively negative and this conception is probably influenced by that of Western people. That is to say, because they hear the Westerners say that they are in extreme poverty and they need to be helped and guided by the Westerners, they became too independent on the outside world, namely developed countries. It may be true that
Another thing among my biggest learning from living in Togo, such a different world from my own, is, to put it in very simple words, how things work in Togo and not all but fragments of the cultural, social, structural and historical backgrounds that lie behind it. Differences in cultural and social norms, especially those of human relations, were the major struggle that I have experienced throughout my stay here in
I should also note the acquisition of French communication skills. My French skills are not yet enough to say they are very good, but compared to how they were before I came to Togo, and considering that now daily communication is made in French, I could say that they have greatly improved.
In conclusion, five months of development internship in a completely different culture and sometimes in difficult situations have given me strength and confidence. I think I am now more prepared than before to fight come what may in the future. Also I am very happy that I have made many wonderful friends here in Togo, which makes the world smaller and makes me want to come back someday.
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